This particular review is a first for me as I am reviewing a production that I have already reviewed once before. About two years ago, we were able to check out the highly popular show “The Illusionists” right off of a successful Broadway run, and it is now back for a very limited engagement with Dallas Summer Musicals.
Created by Simon Painter and Tim Lawson, “The Illusionists: Live from Broadway” currently features Andrew Basso as “the Escapologist”, Colin Cloud as “The Deductionist”, Jonathan Goodwin as “The Daredevil”, Jeff Hobson as “The Trickster”, Kevin James as “The Inventor”, An Ha Lim as “The Manipulator” and Dan Sperry as “The Anti-Conjuror”. In a nutshell, it is seven of the best magicians of their specialty in the entire world in one show in an experience of sight, sound, the mind: all of the senses in one.
There is no real plot because it is a magic show. There is only one basic set through the show, but the props do change form act to act with music soundtrack that complimented the production. Beyond that, how do you describe a review of a magic show?
Each magician had their own style, each adding their part to the entire crew, and I had no complaints at all here. The most impressive act came from An Ha Lim who had the most incredible slight of hand with cards I have ever seen. My favorite magician however was Dan Sperry due to his attitude and his comedy, which added to his act. He has the pure “goth” look which adds to his more of a shock magic, but his comments and mannerisms was great. There are some of the same tricks from the show two years ago, but there are also some new illusions as well. Regardless, if you have seen this production before or not, this show is worth seeing. I will definitely recommend it and sitting in the back of the front section.